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MOSMS : Maintenance Optimum Strategic Management System (2011)

by Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance

MOSMS (Maintenance Optimum Strategic Management System) is a "Maintenance Strategic Management System" contributing to the management which is proposed by Japan Plant Maintenance Association Co. as the planning-led structure for plant maintenance.
Total concept of the MOSMS was published on July, 2006 as the title of "Maintenance administration for management." This "MSOMS Practice Guide" exhibits a concrete procedure to formulate a mechanism for plant maintenance under the concept of MSOMS.
"Maintenance administration for management" pointed out the current situation about the change in the business environment, where social responsibility in companies is severely claimed in addition to the increasing in profitability and the corporated governance tends to be emphasized.
Further, under this situation, this book indicated that maintenance is linked with the total profitability increase in companies, then maintenance has a great role.

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Korporasi Global Menunggang Badai (2024)

by Andreas Maryoto

Banyak orang terkejut dan nyaris lumpuh begitu pandemi muncul. Tidak sedikit yang menutup usaha. Akan tetapi, tak sedikit pula yang bertahan. Mereka membuat berbagai perubahan agar selamat. Tidak mudah pada awalnya, namun kemudian berbuah ketika bisnis mereka bertahan hingga sekarang. Buku ini berisi tulisan Andreas Maryoto di Harian Kompas sejak awal pandemi sekitar Januari 2020 hingga akhir Februari 2022. Melihat waktunya, maka tulisan itu ada di rentang dua tahun masa pandemi. Dua tahun dari awal pandemi hingga waktu saat negara-negara mulai mengendurkan perbatasan dan karantina.

Di buku ini Andreas Maryoto mengawalinya dengan aksi korporasi perusahaan pada saat pandemi mulai muncul, namun wabah belum banyak menyebar ke berbagai negara. Kisah-kisah selanjutnya tentang korporasi mulai mendobrak kemapanan. Mereka melakukan inovasi agar selamat dari guncangan hebat.

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Innovation Expedition : A visual toolkit to start innovation ( 2013)

by Gijs van Wulfen

The Innovation Expedition is an inspiring visual toolkit to start innovation successfully.
Innovation is highly relevant to every organization. Yet, eighty percent of innovation projects never reach the market Many have a false start. The Innovation Expedition is written to inspire you with practical tools on HOW to start innovation effectively. It gives you practical and visual tools. The remarkable stories of how great explorers overcame unexpected setbacks will inspire you. How Columbus discovered America, how Hillary reached the summit of Everest and how Neil Armstrong got to be the first man on the moon. With 248 pages full of exploration stories, quotes, charts, cases, checklists, formats and innovation maps, 'The Innovation Expedition' is an inspiring visual toolkit to start innovation successfully. It's written for professionals, managers, creative business consultants, entrepreneurs and organization leaders.

Podcast - PQM Knowledge Capture

Serba-Serbi Competency Model Development di Bhumi Jepara Service 
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Competency dapat diartikan sebagai kumpulan dan kombinasi dari pengetahuan, keterampilan dan karakteristik seseorang, dimana kombinasi tadi berperan dalam keberhasilan seseorang dalam menjalankan tugasnya di sebuah organisasi. BJS sebagai organisasi mencoba untuk melakukan seleksi untuk mengetahui kompetensi apa saja yang relevan dan apabila dikembangkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja organisasi. Berdasarkan kebutuhan BJS tersebut, PQM hadir membantu dalam melakukan identifikasi dan mengembangkan kompetensi melalui serangkaian aktivitas konsultansi yang disebut competency model development.     

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Serangkaian proses panjang dilalui oleh konsultan PQM untuk membantu BJS mulai dari identifikasi kompetensi yang dibutuhkan sampai menentukan metode development yang tepat untuk karyawan BJS. Pada akhirnya, output yang diberikan PQM kepada BJS menghasilkan kamus kompetensi, matrix kompetensi untuk tiap jabatan yang ada di BJS, form evaluasi yang membantu BJS dalam evaluasi secara mandiri terhadap karyawannya, serta beberapa output lainnya. Dan tentunya akan banyak dibahas tantangan yang dihadapi dalam menjalani rangkaian proses tersebut, serta bagaimana konsultan berkoordinasi dengan internal BJS agar proyek tetap dapat berjalan baik.

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Pada tiap proyek yang dijalani tentunya akan ada lesson learned yang didapat oleh PQM. Pak IR dan Ci DAS mencoba berbagi beberapa pengalaman ketika bekerjasama dan memenuhi kebutuhan klien yang sangat detail dalam menyusun kompetensi. Tidak hanya itu, bagaimana cara kerja dan ekspektasi klien juga menjadi hal yang dibahas agar dapat menjadi pelajaran bagi rekan-rekan PQM lainnya.  
Play - Eps.3 (15 min)


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Quality Progress January 2025 Issue

What's the Worst That Could Happen? The premortem method can help you proactively identify and mitigate project risk by imagining worst-case scenarios.

Lighten Up Apply a pared-down approach to FMEA when conditions don't require a thorough, deep level risk assessment.

Prognostication Plan A four-step approach to make better-informed, intuitiv predictions in everyday situations as well as industrial quality practices.

Service by Design Harness the power of quality function deployment to understand service quality, which can help you design, improve and measure characteristics important to the customer.

Progress Report Study: AI labs lack risk practices

Career Coach Marrying quality and regulatory efforts

Statistics Spotlight Technology requires supporting communication.

The Download The need for guardrails and quality controls with AI.

Standard Issues What to know when there's widespread AI adoption.

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Talent Development January 2025 Issue

The Era of Master Thinkers AI offers an opportunity and an imperative for enhanced critical-thinking skills.

It's Time to Develop an AI Policy A forward-looking policy can have positive impacts on employee engagement and talent recruitment.

VR for Learning Understand the technical aspects of virtual reality to create an engaging training simulation.

Avoid Pitfalls in E-Learning Projects These strategies will help project managers smoothly and efficiently develop e-learning initiatives.

The Manageable Intangible How can companies assess and develop employees' soft skills?

Put a Different Spin on Networking Transform the way you build meaningful connections.

Streamline the Learning Intake Process Adopting standardized method to prioritize training requests will elevate L&D's strategic value.

Stemming Gender Bias  in Sales Leadership A healthcare company improves diversity in its emerging leader program.

5 Strategies to Extinguish L&D Staff's Burnout In the age of constantly changing workplaces, L&D practitioners are tired.

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Human Error Reduction in Manufacturing

Author  : Jose Rodriguez-Perez (2023)

In any type of industry (manufacturing, services, transportation, etc.), human errors are the consequences of procedures not being followed, lack of attention, or simply, human error. In this second edition of Human Error Reduction in Manufacturing, major enhancements include:

- Impacts of a positive and strong quality and compliance culture in the reduction of human failures, including errors

- Discussion of the benefits of people engagement to enhance quality culture and why it's important

- Ways to help people work toward the company's goals

- Expansion of categories and examples of root causes

- Updated diagnostic tool (with newly defined categories) used to investigate human errors

- Written in a direct style, this book provides readers with useful information on theories, methods, and specific techniques that can be applied to investigate and control human failures in any type of industry or sector.

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Theory of Constraints, Lean, and Six Sigma Improvement Methodology : Making the case for integration

Author : Bob Sproull (2019)

Many leaders and managers have led improvement initiatives in a variety of different industry sectors. Most believe that when they begin these efforts, they already have the tools they need in their improvement "backpack." Using these tools, they make substantial improvements to processes in a wide array of industry segments. As time passes, however, most realize that there is a missing link in their arsenal of tools for improvement. The author of this book faced this same predicament and he discovered what the missing link was in his improvement tool kit: Theory of Constraints (TOC). Once he learned the details of TOC, his ability to make major improvements jettisoned upward to levels he had not seen before. TOC is the common denominator in all the case studies presented in this book.
Essentially, this book lays the foundation for what most practitioners are just beginning to understand—this integrated improvement methodology is superior to the three components used in isolation from each other. This book presents a step-by-step method of how to combine the Theory of Constraints, Lean, and Six Sigma, and then demonstrates its effectiveness in a very diverse array of industries.

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The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking : Concepts and Tools, 8th Ed.

Author : Richard Paul and Linda Elder (2019)

This small but powerful book contains core critical thinking concepts and principles distilled into compact size. These principles are universally applicable in human reasoning in every legitimate academic field, discipline, and profession. Critical thinkers routinely clarify their purposes and the questions at issue in a given situation or context. They question information, conclusions and points of view. They strive to be clear, accurate, precise, and relevant. They do not distort information or use false information in arguing for their position. They act in good faith in relation to others and in representing others' views. They look beneath the surface; they are logical and reasonable.

This newest edition of The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools contains all the original work from our previous version and continuous to unpack and contextualize the theoretical work found in the original guide. This book offers additional critical thinking theory and strategies for improving reasoning within the various parts of human life and human study, which help readers better internalize the basic tools of critical thinking and apply them within subjects and fields.

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B2B Digital Marketing Strategy : How to use new frameworks and models to achieve growth

Author : Simon Hall  (2020)

B2B Digital Marketing Strategy is a decisive guide to the most recent developments in the field. It gives readers an overview of the latest frameworks and models, and shows how these can be used to overcome the everyday challenges associated with account targeting, data utilization, and digital campaign management.

Intensely practical, 
B2B Digital Marketing Strategy  helps readers get to grips with some of the more advanced and complex elements of B2B marketing. It expertly explains how to incorporate the latest digital methodologies into critical processes such as lead generation, customer retention and customer experience personalization. Packed with global case studies and examples, this book is an invaluable resource for any professional operating in the B2B space.

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Root Cause Analysis : The core of problem solving and corrective action, 2nd Ed.

Author :  Duke Oakes (2019)

This book provides detailed steps for solving problems, focusing more heavily on the analytical process involved in finding the actual causes of problems. It does this using a large number of figures, diagrams, and tools useful for helping to make our thinking visible. The primary focus is solving repetitive problems, rather than performing investigations for major incidents//accidents, primarily on the technical process of root cause analysis, although other issues that can affect the ability of the process to be carried out effectively will be highlighted.

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Cost Management : A Strategic Emphasis, 9th ed.

Author :  (2020)

Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis is dedicated to answering the question: Why Cost Management? It answers this question by providing cost-management tools and techniques needed to support an organization's competitiveness, improve its performance, and help the organization accomplish its strategy. The text is written to help students understand the broader role of cost accounting in helping an organization succeed - and not just the measurement of costs. While the text does include coverage of traditional costing topics (e.g., job-order costing, process costing, service-department cost allocations, and accounting for joint and by-products), its primary strength is the linkage of these topics, as well as more contemporary topics, to an organization's strategy. And with Connect, an easy-to-use homework and learning management solution that embeds learning science and award-winning adaptive tools to improve student outcomes, instructors receive a course solution that includes high quality content and assessment paired with assignments that help students build the skills they need to succeed..

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Advanced Product Quality Planning 3rd Ed. (2024)

Author :  AIAG

Focusing on the "why" behind the "what" and "when", the APQP 3rd edition manual addresses how to improve successful new product launches, with updates to reflect agile product management, and new sections on sourcing, change management, APQP program metrics, risk assessment mitigation plans, and gated management. Along with the removal of Control Plan content - now a standalone document - further revision include new information on "part traceability," various checklists, and examples of several common analytical techniques used during the APQP process to help enhance your understanding.

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Control Plan 1st Ed. (2024)

Author : AIAG

The Control Plan 1st edition manual provides clarification on various requirements, further explanation on linkages to APQP processes, and detailed guidance on how to develop control plans, along with industry best practices for effectively using these plans. Additional updates include the introduction of a "Safe Launch" requirement to control plan phases, examples of developing plans for highly automated manufacturing applications, guidance on using software to develop and manage control plans, and revised examples, tables, forms, and checklists for additional support.

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Webinar & Online Training (External)

File presentasi dari webinar external yang diikuti oleh rekan-rekan PQM dan di-share, kini dapat dilihat dan dipelajari bersama.

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Halo PQM'ers, sebagai upaya untuk mengidentifikasi  knowledge yang rekan-rekan butuhkan saat ini, atau ada layanan dari  library yang rekan-rekan butuhkan, maka kami coba memperkenalkan  Knowledge Request Form.Silahkan gunakan form yang telah dibuat apabila ada yang rekan-rekan butuhkan terkait hal-hal berikut :-  Upload dokumen yang ingin dishare kepada PQM'ers, baik berupa e-book, artikel,  case study, video, standard, dan lainnya)- Perekaman video training dan pembuatan silabus, yang nantinya akan dibantu oleh KM- Penyimpanan dokumen untuk  consulting project - Pembelian report, buku, majalah, standard, dan beragam konten  knowledge lainnya yang dibutuhkan.